Kc champion blue Staffordshire bull terrier puppies for sale
whats app me at: +447448585283 for more details and pics .Here we have the pleasure of finding homes for our proud litter of 2 girls and 1 boy *one girl already sold so there are 1 girl and one boy available. They are due to leave us when they are 9wks old now. All will leave health checked and microchipped, fleed and wormed along with their first vaccination if you you want, I have found with my past litters that most do not want the first vaccination due to not all vets use the same vaccines and this has caused problems. Shelby *SHARP SHELBY* is our family pet and has been since birth and we have her mum at home with us too. She carries a decent bloodline. She is clear on all health tests. She is a wonderful first time mum and has a lovely temperament. Sonny *REZAVOIRES THEBLUEPRINCE* (stud) carries a great bloodline with 29 champion lines and will pass on 10 of those champ bloodlines onto your beloved fur baby. His bloodline include *valglo all the way through. whatsapp me at: +447448585283 for more details and pics
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